Thursday, December 30, 2010

An Ode to 'You'

This is an ode

to the one everybody likes

talking about on the Internet

in status updates, livejournals, tweets--

anything teenagers can get their keyboards on these days.

So many people admire you from

behind their computer screens,

but at times you do frustrate them.

Then they paint their Facebook walls

with aggressive graffiti aimed at you.

While it takes your admirers and enviers

great courage to drop such bold confessions about you--

especially where all their followers can see--

I can't help but wonder why they fail to drop one other little detail:

YOUR NAME (perhaps

they figure you willl know it's you they are speaking to

if they say it where everyone can read it).

I can't deny that

sometimes I wish I was You;

I envy the attention You gets.

That is why I dedicate these lines to him (or her).

May he (she?) forever dwell in anonymity!

And may I never be reduced to 'you'.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why Should We?

These are some song lyrics I had on the back burner for quite some time now. They underwent many changes, but this is a version I'm finally content with. Feel free to share any thoughts after reading.

Why must we grow old?

When you're young you've got so much to live for.

But the world won't stay the same,

So I guess that means we have to change...

We're not getting any younger

So we can't stand still!

We're not growing any wiser

if we ignore our chance until

it's too late.

And time won't wait

so why should we?

Debts we pay

and debts we still owe;

the promises we make

but never keep to ourselves.

At our time's end

are they all we have to show?

Just empty words in dusty books,

hanging on forgotten shelves?

Forever in forgotten realms...

Life is meant

to be lived at full speed,

To cherish every minute

'cause it doesn't last for long.

But when our time is spent

on things we don't need,

we fade into the background

with no magic in our songs.

We lose the magic in our songs...

So we can't stand still!

We're not growing any wiser

if we ignore our chance until

it's too late.

And time won't wait

so why should we?

Why do the weeks grow ever longer

yet pass by oh so quick?

Why is a man like a candle burning*

at both ends of the wick?

I guess we're not

getting any younger...

so we can't stand still.

We won't grow any wiser

if we put off our dreams until

it's too late.

And time won't wait,

So why should we?

*This line is an homage to Suzanne Cleary's poem "From The Boy's Own Book: A Compleat Encyclopedia of All the Diversions Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boyhood and Youth by William Clarke"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

3-2-1 Lyrics

These are the lyrics to the song we wrote during band practice the other day. It's called 3-2-1.

Every day, it's just the same: we bleed and hurt and cry,
But do we ever ask ourselves, "What is the reason why?"
Suffering and misery, momentary happiness--
Is that what life is meant to be? Is there nothing more to this?
Too late! Your time is almost done.
The clock is ticking, seconds draining--

Three, two, one--time to live your life free of pain, guilt, and fear!
Stop yourself--from falling apart.
Hear me out: don't waste your whole life in fear of the grave!
Take control--of your life today.

They say the only answer to your sorrow and pain
is to beg for forgiveness, to pray you'll be saved.
"Atone for you sins," shout the priests from above,
"Give up your life, and we'll give you our love!"
But that, my friends is all a lie,
told to weigh you down till you die...

Three, two, one--time to live your life free of pain, guilt, and fear!
Stop yourself--from falling apart.
Hear me out: don't waste your whole life in fear of the grave!
Take control--of your life today.

Aaand that's basically it. There's a bridge section after the second chorus we might add lyrics to, but for now it's just instrumental. I might start posting more song lyrics here, too. We shall see...